Thursday, April 28, 2011

iPhone 5: What's to come.

For those of you that know me, I'm not much of an iPhone guy, but in order to keep everyone up to date on technology whether its what I like or not, I'll make exceptions.

So, today, we'll link over to the Yahoo! Upgrade Your Life page as they have taken a look at filed patents, part orders and data leaks to piece together what the iPhone 5 may include. Hit the link and take a look. Enjoy!

Friday, April 22, 2011


Hi Everyone!!!

Thanks for the follow on FB and I look forward to sharing many useful products, services and links to tips in the future.

I figured FB wasn't the right place to post anything longer than two lines, so I went ahead and created this blog to have more interactive post with embedded media.

Let me know down in the comments the types of items you'd like to see or know about and I'll do what I can to accommodate each request.

Looking forward to hearing from you all!!!